
 Marcella Lebron

After, my own breast cancer post-operative care experience. I was disappointed in the lack of support, knowledge and care for patients like myself. It was difficult battling Advanced Stage Breast Cancer,  to find accessible, passionate caring nurses, supplies in one location, transportation, healthy meals in a comfortable environment that understood my post-operative needs, thus the New You Recovery House was born.

Thus, after many years in the post-operative after care industry. Our post-op care team observed that so many women go through many different channels to obtain the supplies they need for post-operative after care. However, many vital elements are missing due to so many things to remember!

Designed by a Survivor, The New You Recovery kit is the perfect recovery kit,  it's a creative and unique on-line one-stop shop with all the key essentials necessary for cosmetic / plastic surgery for clients to have all their supplies all in one location. This will ensure less stress and will assist with a smooth transition during the recovery process.